
Shareholder return · Planning

On October 16, 2017, the company held its second extraordinary general meeting resolution of the year, which reviewed and approved the “Proposal on the ‘Articles of Association of Nanjing Chervon Auto Precision Technology Co., Ltd.’ (draft) Applicable to the Company's IPO and Listing” and relevant documents of the “Proposal on the Three-year Shareholder Dividend Returns Plan after IPO and Listing” by the board of directors. The profit distribution policy and shareholder return plan after listing are as follows:

伊宁市| 建湖县| 长治市| 定结县| 伊宁市| 基隆市| 永新县| 台东市| 洞口县| 沅陵县| 荔波县| 府谷县| 重庆市| 永顺县| 梁河县| 内江市| 来凤县| 嫩江县| 杭州市| 延寿县| 吴忠市| 汉川市| 清水县| 安龙县| 平邑县| 新绛县| 新平| 日喀则市| 三原县| 溧水县| 英超| 冕宁县| 壶关县| 天津市| 辉南县| 云霄县| 新龙县| 武邑县| 许昌县| 三河市| 焦作市|